Prof. Vuong Thanh Son

Professor Emeritus Computer Science Department
University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada

Founder of the Distributed System Research Group and Former Director of the Laboratory for Networks and Internet Computing (NICLab) at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada; Professor Emeritus Computer Science Department at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada.

Prof. Dr. Vuong Thanh Son is an internationally renowned researcher on protocol engineering, distributed multimedia systems, social networks and collaborative computing. His areas of research interest in recent years include the Internet of Things (IOT), ambient networks, grid and p2p computing, P2P video streaming, network security, mobile computing and mobile learning, and intelligent AI systems.

Prof. Dr. Vuong Thanh Son served on many conference program committees and has been general or technical (co)chair and (co)organizer of43 international conferences (IEEE AI-IOT’21-24, IEEE IEMCON’15-24, UEMCON’16-24, CCWC’17-24, Springer and IEEE AMT’14, IEEE iThings’13, IEEE NCAS’11/IWCMC’11, ACM Multimedia’08, KSI DMS’08, IEEE NOMS’06, KSI DMS’97, IEEE ICDCS’95, IFIP PSTV’94, IFIP FORTE’89, 12 IFIP IWPTS’88).