News - September 20, 2024

Regulations on Writing and Submitting Scientific Articles


Manuscripts of articles submitted to the Proceedings, Scientific Journal of the Saigon International University must not have been published in any other scientific journal.

Articles must not exceed 12 pages in length (including tables, notes, references and appendices). Articles must be written using Microsoft Word, with a format of “.doc” or “.docx”; using Times New Roman font, size 12 in A4 papers; applying the following page layout: top margin: 1.5cm; bottom margin: 1.5cm; English transcription IPA.

Reference must follow the APA 7th referencing standard with a font size of 10.

Submission: Articles must be sent to the Journal/Proceedings in soft copy via email:


2.1. Title

Title must be written in Vietnamese and English; remain short (should be no more than 20 words in length) and clear, reflecting the main content of the article. Title must be capitalized, bold, centered, using Times New Roman font, size 14 (Unicode).

2.2. Abstract

Abstract must be written in English and Vietnamese (equivalent in content and meaning), with no more than 300 words in length, using Times New Roman font, size 12 (Unicode). Abstract must be presented in a single paragraph and include the following contents: Overview of the research context, objectives, data, research methods, results achieved and key conclusions, important recommendations (if any). Abstract must clearly identify the results, contributions, and new points of the article. Abstract should not include equations, images, or references.

The Vietnamese abstract must be placed at the beginning of the article, the English abstract must be placed at the end of the article, below the reference.

2.3. Keywords

Keywords must be written in English and Vietnamese (equivalent in content and meaning). An article should include 3-5 keywords, presented in alphabetical order. All keywords must not be capitalized, except for proper names/scientific names. Keywords are separated by semicolons, with no punctuation at the last keyword.

2.4. Introduction

Introduction (or problem statement) should identify: (i) The necessity of the research topic; (ii) Research objectives; (iii) Expected theoretical and practical contributions; (iv) New points of the research; (v) Main content that the article is focused on solving. Introduction should be brief, concise, and must not include subheadings.

2.5. Literature review, Theoretical framework and Methods

The content of this section needs to: (i) Clearly present an overview of the research and related theoretical basis; (ii) Theoretical framework or analytical framework used in the article; (iii) Author(s) may select qualitative or quantitative research methods, or both, depending on the approach he/she chooses, in which it is necessary to present the research model and hypotheses (quantitative research) and/or qualitative research design, as well as data collection methods.

2.6. Results and discussion

The content of this section requires: (i) Interpretation and analysis of new findings; (ii) Drawing out the general relationship and the connection between the results of the research and other findings in previous studies.

For some types of advisory articles, policy arguments, expert opinions, etc. The content of this section may focus only on assessing the current status of the research problem (assessing achievements, limitations and causes, etc.).

2.7. Conclusions or/and policy implications

Depending on the research objectives, an article should draw-out conclusions and provide solutions or recommendations for business managers and/or policy makers based on the research results.


2.8. Acknowledgement (optional): In this section, author(s) may write acknowledgement toward organizations or individuals who provide assistance in writing the article. The acknowledgement varies from organizations funding, providing laboratories, materials or research equipment; or individual giving advice, comments on the article.

2.9. Reference

Author(s) must list the documents cited in the article according to the APA 7th referencing standard (Note: Doi code or URL must be included).

Disclaimer of Copyright

Author(s) owns the copyright to the article and takes responsibility for all scientific content, as well as information, documents, data, etc. stated in the article.

Upon submitting the article to the Journal, author(s) agrees that the copyright to the article belongs to the Journal/Proceedings after the article is published.

Author Contact

1. Main Author

– Author name: Times New Roman, font size 12, right margin.
– Name and address of place of work: Times New Roman, font size 10, right margin.
– Email: Times New Roman, font size 10, right margin.

2. Second Author: Similar to the main author